Monthly Archives: July 2012

Passing the Torch

In 1968, my fraternity brother, Bud Shulman, and I, felt it was time to teach our younger brothers how to tap a keg of beer. The lesson, almost a sacred ceremony, took place in the kitchen of the Delt house at 115 College Place on the Syracuse University campus, a dry campus, but what of […]

Why Grandma Hated Catholics

I grew up in a family that taught its children to distrust and dislike Roman Catholics. My father’s father believed that if John F. Kennedy became President, the Pope-o-Rome (one word) would relocate to Washington D.C., and rule the nation. I believed his attitude came from his rural Baptist background, a distrust of The Other, […]

The Volaré Hole

In dealing with the stuff of legend, not all can be explained as completely as one might like. But bring an open mind to this tale, and allow yourself to wonder. * * * When one thinks of the most challenging holes in golf, several come quickly to mind. Of course, the 17th at TPC […]

Disentangling Hockey and Polo

Today, hockey and polo are fairly distinct sports. No one confuses the two. But in the early days of both sports, especially between 1880 and 1900, it wasn’t so easy to sort things out. In the beginning, “hockey” had nothing to do with ice. Also called “hookey” or “hawkey,” it was a centuries-old field game […]